Thursday, June 23, 2011

The spiritual evolution of the lifelong career woman

Recently, I was approached with an opportunity to advance my career in a way I had "thought" I had always wanted. Basically, all my years in localization (Japanese to English editor, Localization Project Manager, Business Unit Manager, Localization Manager) were leading to an opportunity like this.

Years ago, pre-kids, it would have been a no-brainer. Lots more money, complete power and no boss (the three things I once loved and valued above all else). I would run the show and make all the decisions. The buck would stop with me. Having always been fiercely independent and very strong-willed, this would be absolute heaven and really the only way I used to feel completely comfortable, if I am being quite honest. Teaching others the “right way” to handle the globalization of products as I see fit. It is absolutely intoxicating for someone to look right at you and say..."We love are perfect for us”...but...

I HAVE CHANGED. I don’t want to give up walking 5 miles a day so I can sit in traffic 3 hours a day. I no longer want to battle the ego trip that comes with being the big boss where all your priorities change and you invite all varieties of stress into your life and you really believe you have the right to be UNKIND to people (and believe me, with power, this ego trip soon follows, unfortunately) because you are “so important”.  I don’t want to ever miss my children’s concerts or school events. I don’t want to be irritable working on my son’s science project because I was stuck in traffic or have work to do at night. Newborn to 11 years old has gone so fast already. I don't want to miss a thing.

Having been there, I also know that making a huge salary can also take you farther away from your true self. You distract yourself with electronic gadgets, designer this and designer that. More materialistic = less spiritual in my experience.

I love my current job and it makes me happy every day when I sign on in the morning. Fifty percent of that is because I work from home and am able to be there for my children and I am able to foster my many interests. But, I also love my clients and always learn something new. And I just plain love languages. Always have; always will.

My career was once everything to me. It is now just part of me. The other parts of me are my children, my family, my friends, reading, horseback riding, hiking, healing techniques, spiritual classes, nature, working out, day trips, music, Reiki, Buddhism and the list goes on. There needs to be room for all parts of me to be present and to grow. I also would like to complete my Master’s in Counseling, after many years of back and forth on this choice. It’s the right time now.

I won’t lie and say that the other part of me isn't still present and sometimes stronger than I would like and I won't say I will always back away from such an opportunity. But for worked out exactly how it should. And there is peace.

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