Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to deal with the negative people in your life

Do you like my new couches? Oh, light-colored leather? Good luck with that with two kids!

I am going to Tibet in November! Really, do you think that is safe? Do you know what the Chinese people did to them?

I walk about five-six miles a day. Good luck not getting hit by a car!

Oh, I no longer eat meat. Do you know how much mercury is contained in seafood?

We have all seen the Debbie Downer skits on SNL. Unfortunately, we all know these people. You share something very positive and there is a negative retort. These people used to really bother me and get under my skin. Now, their comments roll off my back. I used to react and say something and now I completely ignore it. It truly no longer bothers me.

It is just your ego that is affected by these comments; nothing else. Your completely human perception that you are being attacked. The comment doesn’t change your joy.

I continue (as do most happy, positive people) to respond to someone's good news or fortune like this: I met a man on a cruise and I am getting married next week! How wonderful for you! You must be so happy. Good luck.

It’s not my job to lecture this person and interject my fears or my concerns or my opinions.

Be happy. Be in the moment. Be kind. Be joyful. BE POSITIVE. When a person shares news, that is what they are expecting from you.

As our parents always told us, if you have nothing kind to say, say nothing.

I think that really positive people intimidate the negative. Light always outshines the dark. I feel that it is hard for negative, fearful people to accept the light-heartedness and joyfulness that comes from being open-hearted and optimistic.

Anyone can make the choice to be positive. It's a choice. Surround yourself with positive people and try to show patience and lighten the hearts of negative people so they can join the ranks of the positive!

It’s that easy.

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