Monday, August 15, 2011

Say What You Need To Say

As I write this, the John Mayer song is playing in my head.

Recently, I was dressed down for not knowing when to be quiet when another person is in full rage about something crazy. I was told that I should "just be quiet" until it blows over. Never. I will always say what I need to say. When I need to say it. No matter how loud or angry a person is getting with me over some imagined slight, I will not allow them to yell at me and stay still. Nor will I remove myself from the situation and run away. I am not talking about saying something insulting or hurtful just because you feel like it, I am talking about saying what needs to be said. Your truth.

Perhaps that is not the best way to be, but I don't have it in me to be any other way. Since I was a child, my voice and my truth were always heard. I was told that I should be quiet for "my own protection”…but I actually protect myself by allowing my voice to be heard.

The direct approach, for me, is always the best approach. I don't like fillers or nonsense; just give it to me straight up, no chaser. How often do people dance around what they really want to say? People are afraid of the truth. They are afraid of hurting someone else, they are afraid of rejection, they are afraid of speaking what is already being said “energetically” and they are afraid of the unknown. So, they rarely say what needs to be said.

We all do it, at times. We don’t say what we need to say so we stay too long at a job or with people we are no longer attracted to/in love with. We go through the motions of our life whether or not it makes us happy, feeling that the discomfort of the life we lead possibly outweighs the discomfort of the unknown life.

Imagine a world where we all say “yes” when we want to and “no” when we want to. Imagine a world where you can tell someone you really are attracted to him or her without fear of rejection or attachment to the outcome. Imagine a world where you realize that telling a person you no longer love them or can be with them is more palatable than taking the easy way out and having an affair instead...

Imagine a world where we can all just…say what we need to say.

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